Hot tips for top letter writing

Writing a letter to your elected member of Parliament and the media will make a difference

Surprisingly few people write to their elected members. Members do read and respond to letters, and a flood of letters on a topic can make a difference. On occasion, a single thoughtful factually persuasive letter can change a member’s mind or least give them a better understanding of the thinking of the constituents. Personal letters are much more effective than emails.

Some pointers for writing an effective letter.

First, the do’s:

  • Address the letter properly.
  • Identify the issue.
  • Be reasonably brief.
  • Letters must be legible but the form, wording and grammar are less important.
  • Write your own views as a personal letter. Form letters will get form replies.
  • Give your reasons for taking a stand.
  • Be constructive; tell your member what the right approach is.
  • If you have expert knowledge, share it with your member.
  • Say well done when it is deserved.
  • If writing to a Minister, ask that your letter be treated as a ministerial letter to ensure a quicker reply.
  • Finish with a question to ensure that your concern is actively considered.


Keep the structure of your letter clear and simple

  • Who you are and why you are writing.
  • Why the issue is important.
  • What the key facts are.
  • Why inaction is not an option.
  • What you want your member to actually do.


Now some don’ts:

  • Don’t make threats or promises.
  • Don’t berate your representative, don’t waffle and don’t talk about issues you don’t understand.
  • Don’t pretend to wield vast political power.
  • Don’t demand a commitment before all the facts are in.


Happy writing.