TAP in 2024

tapvison.info is going after 17 years. Today, the Tamar Valley is free of a polluting pulp mill that Tasmanian politicians needed so desperately to prop-up their little egos and corrupt economy. Elections today are competions over who manages unpayable debt.

In 2018 and 2019 we experienced record-breaking heatwaves similar to the summer of 2016 that bought drought, bushfires and energy shortages to Tasmania. It's obvious there was not enough water to supply Gunns pulp mill. Later in 2016 drought turned to floods and people asked 'when will politicians stop changing the climate by exporting coal and wood chips'? un-Sustainable Timber Tasmania (STT) 'sterilise' native forests by burning them every 70 to 80 year rotation to make them easier to log on the next rotation. At least now climate change is universally accepted and people are aware of the corrupt politicians and media manipulators who caused catastrophic climate change.